GCON Gives was created in response to our company’s collective drive to give back, officially becoming a 501(c)3 nonprofit in 2021. Through grassroots efforts and fundraising, 100% of the proceeds collected by GCON Gives is reinvested in Arizona through grants and scholarships. We strive to make our workplace, industry and community a significantlybetter and safer place—investing with our minds, hands and hearts.
Hosted at Papago Golf Club, we invite our industry partners to come out on the green and help us meet our fundraising goals. Every year, we dedicate the tournament and donate the proceeds to a cause that holds a special place in our employees’ hearts.
Every fall, we enjoy a day out on a curated trail with food, drinks and poker. This off-roading event has side by sides and prizes for those who love our beautiful Arizona desert. Proceeds go to support various local charities and causes in the communities where we’re proud to live and work.