Pathfinder at Las Sendas

Mesa, AZ


Project DEscription
GCON provided extensive preconstruction services and assistance in program development on this STEM Academy school located in Mesa off the Loop 202 for Pathfinder. GCON conducted new site grading, utility coordination and roadway infrastructure to begin the project. The building is comprised of a slab on grade, wood frame with a combination of brick veneer, EIFS and Hardie Board siding. Designed to incorporate a Monticello look, stone columns are integrated throughout with a prominent dome feature made out of translucent panels is the center point of this STEM Academy. Offering a learning environment that inspires academic excellence through an engaging and personalized approach, the school offers a “Children’s Museum” mindset. Students are exposed to hands-on interactive and dynamically challenging learning displays throughout the campus. Additional aspects of the school include a computer lab, a multipurpose room/gymnasium, an outdoor interactive learning playground, and a library in the student common area.