Town of Fountain Hills Pavers

Fountain Hills, AZ

Town of Fountain Hills

Project DEscription
The Town of Fountain Hills is an active community that heavily utilizes its community center and the associated pathways, benches, and grass areas. GCON was hired to remove old flagstone walkways directly in the center of the community pathways and replace them with new pavers. The site was to remain active and open to the public while having no access for construction personnel or material storage without damaging existing pathways, lighting, and seating. GCON got creative by working with the Town to obtain limited access through an adjacent residential street, bringing in materials through an adjacent lot never having to cross or potentially damage existing materials and conditions. From our initial site walk, GCON created the scope, laid out the project logistically, prepared a schedule, identified a handful of material options for selection by the client, priced the approved scope, and mobilized.