From April 24th to 26th, 16 members of GCON participated in the third gathering of the GCON LEADERS Program, a 3-day summit held in Scottsdale, AZ. The program was developed to focus on fostering communication and leadership skills. This year, 16 individuals from across the country and from varying departments were selected to participate based on supervisor recommendations and final selection from the Executive and Senior Leadership Teams. They will join the 32 team members who have already completed the program. 

The first two days of the summit introduced the “Coaching for Accelerated Performance” program facilitated by MindWire. This program focused on the Predictive Index tool, a systematic approach to coaching using personality analysis. Throughout this workshop, the participants analyzed their own Predictive Index and leadership styles, worked with an instructor to understand how to communicate with other personality types, and simulated scenarios to apply their knowledge practically.

During  the summit, leaders from GCON also presented topics focused on leadership in business including topics such as Ethics and Leadership, Construction as a Business, the new Career Development Qualifications (CDQs) and navigating GCON U . To wrap up the training, a panel discussion was facilitated with members from GCON’s Executive and Senior Leadership during which they addressed questions about the training and topics presented during the summit.

The third day of the program hosted team building exercises at Chaparral Park in Scottsdale, where PossibiliTeams facilitated teambuilding activities ranging from blindfolded obstacle courses to hula hoop games with the goal of reinforcing leadership lessons.

The GCON LEADERS Program summit concluded on a high note, leaving the participants energized and equipped with enhanced leadership and communication skills. They will be bringing fresh insights and strengthened leadership capabilities back to their respective teams. This successful gathering not only reinforced the core values of GCON but also fostered a stronger, more connected leadership community within the organization.

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